Friday, March 6, 2009

Handling 2

Hello again! Today i am going to talk further about handling the ball. As we established before, handling means how well you control the ball with your feet. Good handling leads to good control. I am going to give you another good exercise to use. I like to call it the toe touch. Place the ball in front of you and jog in place. While you are jogging in place touch the top of the ball with the bottom of your toes. Try to keep the ball in place. This sharpens your handling and will help you alot with your foot speed and with other moves that we will discuss in the future. When you get the feel down speed up your movement as much as you can. Go at your own pace! Here is a video to show you. . Thanks again!



  1. Am I like the only person reading this site???

  2. Nice work, Jordan!

    Like your other blog too
